World Economic Forum Annual Meeting (Davos)

Delivering a highly integrated campaign for the world’s most important business event

The world’s most important intergovernmental and business conference requires the world’s best and most tightly integrated omnichannel marketing and communications campaign. If you’re a brand that shows up every year, the pressure is high to outdo what you did the year before.

For Refinitiv’s brand activation at the 2020 World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting in Davos, we introduced a new and innovative communications program including vibrant and engaging content for a jumbo digital screen, spot interviews for guests at breakfast events and meetings, daily Davos video insights for external and internal audiences, and more.

To extract maximum value from the 5 days, we also architected a post-event centerpiece that took shape as our first-ever corporate documentary, shot on the ground at Davos.

With thanks to our partners: Real Vision Creative Studios and Refinitiv’s in-house Content Studio

Watch the trailer for the Davos documentary.


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